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Project Version: 0.8.2-1s

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Project Version: 0.8.2-1s

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This page is not affiliated or partnered with Hellbent Games Inc.

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Project Version: 0.8.2-1s

What is Video Horror Society?

Video Horror Society was a 4vs1 Asymmetrical Game where 4 Teens and a Ferocious Monster enter a Deathmatch Battle where the most skilled side wins.

The Teen Player's Objective is to work with their teammates and Banish the Monster with all 4 Ancient Stigmas to win the Game: Burn, Purify, Curse, Shock.

Use the Pickups available around the Map in Vending Machines or Waste Baskets to enhance your experience and gain a small advantage for a short time.But beware!
There is only a limited number of Pickups available!

As the Monster, you have to fight the Teens and protect yourself from their Weapons to avoid being Banished by all 4 Stigmas.

Side Objectives such as Sabotaging Vending Machines, Collecting Dooma or Feasting will help you become more powerful and hinder the Teens' chance at winning.

Video Horror Society was available for free, exclusively in Early Access on Steam and Epic Games, from July 18th 2022 until September 8th 2023.









Doll Master





June 1st, 1966

Classic Trilogy:

Electra Force

Release Date:

November 24th, 2021


Included in Base Game

"We have the Power of Positivity!"

As Pine Bluff High's popular cheer captain, Gloria is as energetic as you can get. She is a talented dancer, and fashion trendsetter. She loves watching horror movies at slumber parties, which she is invited to often due to her endlessly effusive charm. Even her Video Horror Society membership has VIP gold status. Nobody would ever guess what she's dealing with at home.

Potential: Leader

Motivating, and charismatic, you inspire any team to greatness. Your passion is uplifting as you work to make the world a better place. Leader Perks focus on locating and assisting your squad, and escaping dangerous situations.


Gloria is part of the original roster of Teens available in the Base Game, released alongside Brett, Jess, Leo and Faith.

Scroll to:


Friend Zone I

While within 13 meters of another teen, their aura is visible to you.Cost: 4 Perk Points.

Friend Zone II

While within 20 meters of another teen, their aura is visible to you.Cost: 6 Perk Points.

Friend Zone III

While within 27 meters of another teen, their aura is visible to you.Cost: 8 Perk Points.

Lightning Fast I

While unarmed, the duration of the speed boost gained after being Injured by the monster is increased by 10%.Cost: 6 Perk Points.

Lightning Fast II

While unarmed, the duration of the speed boost gained after being Injured by the monster is increased by 17%.Cost: 9 Perk Points.

Lightning Fast III

While unarmed, the duration of the speed boost gained after being Injured by the monster is increased by 24%.Cost: 12 Perk Points.

Team Spirit I

Other teens within 12 meters of you gain a 6% speed increase to Healing, Reviving, Ressurecting or Disarming actions. This bonus does not stack with additional users of this Perk.Cost: 6 Perk Points.

Team Spirit II

Other teens within 12 meters of you gain a 9% speed increase to Healing, Reviving, Ressurecting or Disarming actions. This bonus does not stack with additional users of this Perk.Cost: 9 Perk Points.

Team Spirit III

Other teens within 12 meters of you gain a 12% speed increase to Healing, Reviving, Ressurecting or Disarming actions. This bonus does not stack with additional users of this Perk.Cost: 12 Perk Points.

Do you want to see if all of your desired perks can fit in your build?
There's a Perk Optimizer made by Ringtail that can help you!


Act I

Act II


Act I Rewards

Friend Zone I

Lightning Fast I

Team Spirit I

9 Perk Points

2 Perk Slots

2000 Flux

Clash Cola

Chompie Bar Stash

Walkie Talkie

Foam Sword

Feature Horror

Weekday Workout Crop

In The Gym Shorties

Swift Step

Act II Rewards

Friend Zone II

Lightning Fast II

Team Spirit II

9 Perk Points

1 Perk Slot

2500 Flux

Clash Cola Stash

Walkie Talkie Stash



Feature Thriller

Studio Hair

Upcycled Sock Gloves

Dance Is Life

Act III Rewards

Friend Zone III

Lightning Fast III

Team Spirit III

8 Perk Points

1 Perk Slot

3000 Flux

Chompie Bar

Noisemaker Stash

Movie Popcorn

Feature Action

Feature Creatures

Jazz Club Zip Up

Orange Gym Shorties

Limelight Cheer Socks

Movie Costumes

Gold Edition:
Electra Girl Charging


Complete the Standard Cut of

"Electra Force III"

to unlock this costume.

Gold Edition:
Electra Girl Powered


Complete the Extended Cut of

"Electra Force III"

to unlock this costume.

Gold Edition:
Electra Girl Supercharged


Complete the Directors Cut of

"Electra Force III"

to unlock this costume.





February 29th, 1964

Classic Trilogy:

Streets of Slay

Release Date:

November 24th, 2021


Included in Base Game

"Rules are meant to be broken."

Anger issues, doesn't play well with others, no respect for authority are all things Leo's teachers used to say when he actually went to school. These days he runs his imprisoned uncle's video store where he has become a self-professed film critic. He spends his time "educating" customers by screening his favorite gore-fests or blasting Wicked Vile at full volume.

Potential: Rebel

You were born to start a revolution. You act first, quick to find advantages in the moment, no matter the situation. Rebel Perks focus on finding and effectively using Pickups and other helpful items.


Leo is part of the original roster of Teens available in the Base Game, released alongside Brett, Jess, Gloria and Faith.

Scroll to:


Head Trip I

While controlling a Spectral you will now see the aura of Luma within 13 meters and the movement speed of your Spectral is increased by 4%.Cost: 3 Perk Points.

Head Trip II

While controlling a Spectral you will now see the aura of Luma within 26 meters and the movement speed of your Spectral is increased by 12%.Cost: 4 Perk Points.

Head Trip III

While controlling a Spectral you will now see the aura of Luma across the map and the movement speed of your Spectral is increased by 20%.Cost: 5 Perk Points.

Quick Fix I

Increases the speed at which you can Heal yourself with a Med Kit by 7%.Cost: 4 Perk Points.

Quick Fix II

Increases the speed at which you can Heal yourself with a Med Kit by 11%.Cost: 6 Perk Points.

Quick Fix III

Increases the speed at which you can Heal yourself with a Med Kit by 15%.Cost: 8 Perk Points.

Street Smart I

You can see the aura of Pickups and most Searchable objects within 5 meters.Cost: 4 Perk Points.

Street Smart II

You can see the aura of Pickups and most Searchable objects within 10 meters.Cost: 6 Perk Points.

Street Smart III

You can see the aura of Pickups and most Searchable objects within 15 meters.Cost: 8 Perk Points.

Do you want to see if all of your desired perks can fit in your build?
There's a Perk Optimizer made by Ringtail that can help you!


Act I

Act II


Act I Rewards

Head Trip I

Quick Fix I

Street Smart I

Act II Rewards

Head Trip II

Quick Fix II

Street Smart II

Act III Rewards

Head Trip III

Quick Fix III

Street Smart III

Movie Costumes

Gold Edition:
Johnny Slay 'Streetwise'


Complete the Standard Cut of

"Streets of Slay III: American Slay Master"

to unlock this costume.

Gold Edition:
Johnny Slay 'City Slick'


Complete the Extended Cut of

"Streets of Slay III: American Slay Master"

to unlock this costume.

Gold Edition:
Johnny Slay 'Slaymaster'


Complete the Directors Cut of

"Streets of Slay III: American Slay Master"

to unlock this costume.


Classic Trilogy:

Howl High

Release Date:

November 24, 2021


Included in Base Game

Tension Track:


Unleash the Werewolf and strike fear into the heart of your enemy with this mythical and maniacal creature. Terrorize high school hallways with a relentless hunt, berserk speed, and a devastating howl. Ferocious and feral, no full moon is needed to feel this ancient wrath.


The Werewolf is part of the original roster of Monsters available in the Base Game, released alongside W.A.R.T and Doll Master.

Scroll to:


Berserk (Q)

After focusing for 0.6 seconds, the Werewolf enters a Berserk state, that increases their run, lunge, and vault speed by 26% and their movement speed while recovering from a missed attack by 14% for 12 seconds.During Berserk the distance at which the Tension Track can be heard by teens is increased by 5%.Berserk has a cooldown of 20 seconds and cannot be used for 3 seconds after hitting a teen.


+ Berserk duration is increased by 35%.- The speed boost gained from Berserk is reduced by 15%.


+ The focusing time of Berserk is reduced by 30%.
+ The cooldown of Berserk is reduced by 15%.
- An active Berserk will cancel when Howl is used.


+ If you Knockdown a teen while Berserk is active, it will remain active for 9.5 seconds instead of being cancelled.- The cooldown of Berserk is increased by 25%.

Howl (E)

After focusing for 1 seconds, the Werewolf lets out a terrifying Howl, causing all living teens within 30 meters to Cower in fear.Cowering teens are unable to attack or perform most actions for 8.5 seconds.Howl has a cooldown of 28 seconds.


+ Howl cooldown is reduced 15%.- The maximum range of Howl is reduced by 10%.


+ Howl now Deafens teens for 4.5 seconds.- The cooldown of Howl is increased by 20%.


+ For 1.5 seconds after escaping taking damage from a weapon, gain the Savage status, reducing the focus time required to use Howl by 80%.- When not affected by the Savage status, the focus time required to use Howl is increased by 33%.

Hunt (F)

After focusing for 1.5 seconds, the Werewolf enters a Hunting state for 20 seconds.While in this state they will be able to detect the presence of any living teens up to 24 meters away via a Heartbeat sound that increases in frequency the closer a teen is.Hunt has a cooldown of 45 seconds.


+ When Hunting, the range at which teen can be detected is increased by 25%.- When Hunting, the frequency response of the Heartbeat sound when teens are nearby is reduced by 25%.


+ The duration of Hunting depletes 40% slower while no teens are detected.- The duration of Hunting depletes 30% faster while teens are detected.


+ Hunting will no longer detect teens that are Prone.- Whenever you Knockdown a teen, Hunt cannot be used for the next 22 seconds.


Body Count I

Cost: 4 Perk Points

When any Prone teen within 20 meters of you is moving they will be Exposed.

Body Count II

Cost: 6 Perk Points

When any Prone teen within 20 meters of you is moving or controlling a Spectral they will be Exposed.

Body Count III

Cost: 8 Perk Points

Any Prone teens within 28 meters of you are Exposed.

Ruthless I

Cost: 3 Perk Points

Recover from a missed attack 10% faster.

Ruthless II

Cost: 6 Perk Points

Recover from a missed attack 20% faster.

Ruthless III

Cost: 9 Perk Points

Recover from a missed attack 30% faster.

Scream Fest I

Cost: 4 Perk Points

Teens affected by the Scream Shockwave are Disrupted for 8% longer.

Scream Fest II

Cost: 8 Perk Points

Teens affected by the Scream Shockwave are Disrupted for 16% longer.

Scream Fest III

Cost: 12 Perk Points

Teens affected by the Scream Shockwave are Disrupted for 24% longer.

Movie Costumes

Gold Edition:
Howl High 'Bloodsilver'


Complete the Standard Cut of

"Howl High III: Homecoming"

to unlock this costume.

Gold Edition:
Howl High 'Blackest Night'


Complete the Extended Cut of

"Howl High III: Homecoming"

to unlock this costume.

Gold Edition:
Howl High 'Hell's Fury'


Complete the Directors Cut of

"Howl High III: Homecoming"

to unlock this costume.


Classic Trilogy:


Release Date:

November 24, 2021


Included in Base Game

Tension Track:

Evolution is unstoppable

From the secret depths of the Replicorp facility, unleash the experimental W.A.R.T. (Weaponized Amphibious Replicant Technology). Wreak havoc on humanity with this chimera’s violent Leap, track prey with a super Echo, and withstand attack in Acid Armor. Evolution is unstoppable


The W.A.R.T is part of the original roster of Monsters available in the Base Game, released alongside Werewolf and Doll Master.

Scroll to:


Leap (Q)

After focusing for 0.7 seconds, W.A.R.T will leap forward at great speed. The force of the landing will create a Shockwave that causes all teens within 6 meters of the W.A.R.T to be Staggered, slowing their movement speed for 1 second.If W.A.R.T is damaged during a Leap the Shockwave will not be created. If Armored W.A.R.T is slowed during a Leap the Shockwave's range will be reduced by 40%.Leap has a cooldown of 7 seconds.


+ The Leap's shockwave radius is increased by 25% and the Stagger effect duration by 20%.- The base cooldown of the Leap is increased by 35%.


+ Movement speed during the Leap when not taking weapon damage is increased by 15%.- The activation time of the Leap is increased by 30%.


+ The Leap base cooldown is reduced by 20%.- The Leap's shockwave radius is reduced by 80%.

Acid Armor (E)

After focusing for 1.5 seconds, the W.A.R.T will cover themselves with protective acid, gaining the Armored status. This will shield the W.A.R.T from damage for up to 12 seconds or until shattered by a weapon strike.If the Armor is shattered, the W.A.R.T will Flinch, unable to perform most actions for 1 second.Acid Armor has a cooldown of 32 seconds.


+ The Acid Armor's base cooldown is reduced 15%.- If Acid Armor is shattered by a weapon then all W.A.R.T's powers are placed on cooldown.


+ The base speed at which the W.A.R.T can move while Armored and not taking damage is increased by 5%.- The activation time of Acid Armor is increased by 20%.


+ While Armored, the Life loss inflicted when hitting a teen is increased by 5% and applies the Torn status for 10 seconds.- After Acid Armor is used, Leap cannot be used for 3 seconds.

Echolocation (F)

After focusing for 1.8 seconds, the W.A.R.T will emit a resonating pulse across the entire map. 2.5 seconds later, an Afterimage of all active teens at the time Echolocation was used will be shown to the W.A.R.T for 8.5 seconds.Echolocation has a cooldown of 35 seconds.


+ When Echolocation is used, the Afterimages of teens equipped with a weapon will appear in a different color.- Echolocation's base cooldown is increased by 25%.


+ When Echolocation is used, a trail of Afterimages that trace the movement of teens for the next 1.3 seconds will be created instead of a single Afterimage.- The focusing time to use Echolocation is increased by 30%.


+ When Echolocation is used, the teens are now affected by the Deafened status for 4.5 seconds.- When Echolocation is used, it will cancel the Armored status and the Acid Armor power can't be used for the next 4.5 seconds.


All Consuming I

Cost: 3 Perk Points

Fuel your Rage 15% faster when Feasting.

All Consuming II

Cost: 6 Perk Points

Fuel your Rage 30% faster when Feasting.

All Consuming III

Cost: 9 Perk Points

Fuel your Rage 45% faster when Feasting.

Easy Target I

Cost: 8 Perk Points

When an active teen more than 28 meters from you gets within 10 meters of 2 other active teens, you will be alerted and these teens will be Exposed for 4 seconds. This can only activate once every 180 seconds.

Easy Target II

Cost: 10 Perk Points

When an active teen more than 28 meters from you gets within 10 meters of 2 other active teens, you will be alerted and these teens will be Exposed for 4 seconds. This can only activate once every 120 seconds.

Easy Target III

Cost: 12 Perk Points

When an active teen more than 28 meters from you gets within 10 meters of 2 other active teens, you will be alerted and these teens will be Exposed for 4 seconds. This can only activate once every 60 seconds.

Lethal Weapon I

Cost: 3 Perk Points

While Enraged, the Life loss inflicted when you hit a teen with your Basic Attack is increased by 6%.

Lethal Weapon II

Cost: 6 Perk Points

While Enraged, the Life loss inflicted when you hit a teen with your Basic Attack is increased by 12%.

Lethal Weapon III

Cost: 9 Perk Points

While Enraged, the Life loss inflicted when you hit a teen with your Basic Attack is increased by 18%.

Movie Costumes

Gold Edition:
W.A.R.T. 'Armored'


Complete the Standard Cut of


to unlock this costume.

Gold Edition:
W.A.R.T. 'Militant'


Complete the Extended Cut of


to unlock this costume.

Gold Edition:
W.A.R.T. 'Veteran'


Complete the Directors Cut of


to unlock this costume.

Doll Master

Classic Trilogy:


Release Date:

November 24, 2021


Included in Base Game

Body Tension Track:

Doll Tension Track:

Dormant Lullaby:

Toy with your prey.

From within the walls of an abandoned hotel, summon the craftiest of creatures. The Dollmaster haunts his victims with a deadly lullaby before whittling their petrified bones into his precious children. Set traps, possess dolls for wicked deeds, and disappear into the darkness.


The Doll Master is part of the original roster of Monsters available in the Base Game, released alongside W.A.R.T and Werewolf.

Scroll to:


Doll Trap (Q)

After focusing for 0.6 seconds, the Doll Master places a Doll Trap on the map.A Doll Trap's icon will turn Yellow when it is detecting living teens within 22 meters of it.A Doll Trap is selected by centering the screen on it, allowing use of Doll Possession and Doll TeleportIf a teen walks or runs within 1.75 meters of a Doll Trap, it will become Alarmed for 6 seconds and then sel-destruct. While Alarmed, the focus time required for using Powers on that Doll Trap is reduced by 50%.Doll Traps can be placed while the Doll Master is in the Banished state.A maximum of 5 Doll Traps can be on the map at a time.Each time a Doll Trap is disarmed, a Doll is destroyed, or the Doll Master is Stunned this number is decreased, to a minimum of 2.Hitting teens will recover a lost Doll Trap, and suffering a Wound will reset the Doll Trap count to maximum.While a selected Doll Trap is not detecting a living teen, it can be removed by pressing the Monster Action button.


+ A Doll Trap will twitch and its icon will turn Orange when it detects a Running teen within 11 meters of it.- The maximum number of Doll Traps that can be placed on the map simultaneously is reduced by 1.


+ The maximum number of Doll Traps that can be placed on the map simultaneously is increased by 1.- The distance at which Doll Traps become Alarmed is reduced by 90%.


+ A Doll Trap will no longer self-destruct at the end of the Alarmed state.
Teens will be Exposed while disarming a Doll Trap and for 3 seconds after a Doll Trap is Alarmed or Disarmed.
The Cooldown on Doll Possession is reduced by 25%.
- Doll Trap icons will no longer change color when teens are nearby.
Remove Trap can't be used while Doll Possession is on cooldown.

Doll Possession (E)

After focusing for 1.4 seconds, the Doll Master possesses a selected Doll Trap for up to 30 seconds.A possessed Doll may Jump, allowing them to move forward at great speed. Jump can be performed every 8 seconds.If a Doll Trap is Alarmed when it is possessed, the cooldown for the first use of Jump is reduced by 50%.A possessed Doll may use Doll Possession to switch control to another Doll Trap and refresh the possession time.While possessing a Doll, if any weapons get within 22 meters of the Doll Master a colored border will appear around the screen to alert the player.If a possessed Doll is destroyed by a weapon, the Doll Master will be Exposed for 13 seconds.Doll Possession has a cooldown of 12 seconds.


+ The total time a Doll can be possessed is increased by 25%.- The focusing time required to begin possessing a Doll is increased by 50%.


+ When a Doll Trap becomes possessed, the cooldown for the first use of Jump is reduced by 75%.- The amount of time a Doll can be possessed is reduced by 20%.

Double Cross

+ A possessed Doll can store 1 additional use of the Jump ability.- A possessed Doll's base run speed is reduced by 2%.

Doll Teleport (F)

After focusing for 1 second the Doll Master instantly travels to the selected Doll Trap, destroying it in the process.Doll Teleport has a cooldown of 60 seconds.


* Doll Teleport will always use the valid Doll Trap that is farthest away from the Doll Master.+ Doll Teleport focusing time is reduced by 15%.


+ A second Doll Teleport can now be performed within 4 seconds of the initial Doll Teleport before going on cooldown. If the second Doll Teleport is performed, a Doll Trap will be left behind.- Doll Teleport focusing time is increased by 25%.


+ If the Doll Master hits a teen within 8 seconds of performing a Doll Teleport, the Doll Teleport cooldown is reduced to 12 seconds.- The base Doll Teleport cooldown time is increased by 15%.


Ambush I

Cost: 3 Perk Points

When a Blunder occurs while a teen is crafting, that teen will be Exposed for 3 seconds.While within your Tension Track, crafting teens must perform skill checks 30% more often.

Ambush II

Cost: 5 Perk Points

When a Blunder occurs while a teen is crafting, that teen will be Exposed for 5 seconds.While within your Tension Track, crafting teens must perform skill checks 60% more often.

Ambush III

Cost: 7 Perk Points

When a Blunder occurs while a teen is crafting, that teen will be Exposed for 7 seconds.While within your Tension Track, crafting teens must perform skill checks 90% more often.

Deadly Bite I

Cost: 5 Perk Points

When a teen uses a Candy Bar, you will be alerted and they will be Exposed for 2.5 seconds.

Deadly Bite II

Cost: 6 Perk Points

When a teen uses a Candy Bar, you will be alerted and they will be Exposed for 4 seconds.

Deadly Bite III

Cost: 7 Perk Points

When a teen uses a Candy Bar, you will be alerted and they will be Exposed for 7 seconds.

Hidden Agenda I

Cost: 4 Perk Points

4 seconds after a teen leaves a hiding place the aura of the hiding place will be revealed to you for 6 seconds.The speed that you search hiding places is increased by 33%.

Hidden Agenda II

Cost: 6 Perk Points

2 seconds after a teen leaves a hiding place the aura of the hiding place will be revealed to you for 6 seconds.The speed that you search hiding places is increased by 66%.

Hidden Agenda III

Cost: 8 Perk Points

After a teen leaves a hiding place the aura of the hiding place will be revealed to you for 6 seconds.The speed that you search hiding places is increased by 100%.

Movie Costumes

Gold Edition:
The Dollmouth 'Insomniac'


Complete the Standard Cut of

Dollmouth Resurrected

to unlock this costume.

Gold Edition:
The Dollmouth 'Repossessed'


Complete the Extended Cut of

Dollmouth Resurrected

to unlock this costume.

Gold Edition:
The Dollmouth 'Resurrected'


Complete the Directors Cut of

Dollmouth Resurrected

to unlock this costume.


Classic Trilogy:


Release Date:

September 8, 2022


$9.99 / 24.000 Flux

Tension Track:


You may know it as The Bionic Butcher, a supercharged meat grinder bent on bloodshed... The Titanium Tyrant, a harbinger hailing hardware from the heart of Replitech (supercharged by Sponsor MajorVolt™️). Raise your foam fingers for the lean, mean, killing machine, IT'S DEATHWIRE!


Deathwire was released subsequent to the game's Early Access launch as part of the Escape the Eviscerator Update, which also included Deathwire's Map - The Eviscerator.

Scroll to:


Death Drift (Q)

While in Assault Mode, focusing for 1.1 seconds will switch Deathwire to Drift Mode. Drift Mode increases Deathwire's movement speed by 20%.While in Drift Mode, attacking or using Death Drift for 0.66 seconds will switch Deathwire back to Assault Mode. These actions can also be performed while being Damaged by a Weapon.Deathwire has access to a Slide Boost in Drift Mode for a short burst of speed. The Slide Boost will be performed automatically when the player changes their movement input to be opposite to their current moving direction when at high speeds.Death Drift cannot be used for 2 seconds after hitting a teen.Death Drift modes can be changed while in the Banished state.

Nitro Booster

+ For 1.4 seconds after switching into Drift Mode the bonus to movement speed is increased by an additional 100%.- The time Death Drift can't be used after hitting a teen is increased to 6 seconds.


+ Decreases the focusing time required to enter Drift Mode by 40%.- The movement speed bonus provided by Drift Mode is reduced by 20%.


+ While in Drift Mode your Voltage Vise cooldown recovers 50% faster.- While in Assault Mode your Voltage Vise cooldown recovers 50% slower.

Voltage Vise (E)

After focusing for 1 seconds, Deathwire
will fire an energy pulse in a cone out to 18 meters that will afflict all active teens within the area with Shocked for 2.6 seconds and Overcharged for 7 seconds.
During Shocked status teens will be slowed and unable to perform any actions.During Overcharged status teens cannot be affected by another Voltage Vise.After shocking a teen, Deathwire will be Juiced for 2.5 seconds. While Juiced, the activation time and movement speed penalty to use Voltage Vise is reduced by 50%.Teens will not be affected by Voltage Vise while inside a hiding place.Voltage Vise has a cooldown of 18 seconds and cannot be used for 5 seconds after hitting a teen.Up to 3 uses of Voltage Vise can be stored.Voltage Vise cannot be used while in Drift Mode.

Sensor Spike

+ While teens are Shocked they will also be Exposed.- The activation time of Voltage Vise is increased by 20%.

Circuit Breaker

+ When teens are Shocked they will also become Jammed for 20 seconds.- The Overcharged status lasts an additional 1.5 seconds.

Chaos Coil

+ The area affected by Voltage Vise is increased by 25%.- The Shocked status will no longer slow the movement speed of unarmed teens.

Beam Matrix (F)

After focusing for 1.2 seconds, Deathwire will sweep a targeted area with a sensor beam. All active teens within the beam will be Exposed for 3 seconds.Beam Matrix has a cooldown of 22 seconds and cannot be used for 3.5 seconds after hitting a teen.

Risk Radar

+ The time that teens equipped with a weapon are Exposed by Beam Matrix is increased by 30% and their aura will be differently colored.- The time that teens without a weapon are Exposed by Beam Matrix is reduced by 50%.

Augmented Optics

+ The area scanned by Beam Matrix is increased by 30%.- The activation time of Beam Matrix is increased by 50%.

Terror Tracer

+ In Drift Mode your movement speed when activating and using Beam Matrix is increased by 250%.- In Assault Mode your movement speed when activating and using Beam Matrix is reduced by 80%.


Demoralize I

Cost: 5 Perk Points

When you Knockdown or Kill a teen all other active teens will become Jammed for the next 6 seconds.This Perk can only activate once every 90 seconds.

Demoralize II

Cost: 8 Perk Points

When you Knockdown or Kill a teen all other active teens will become Jammed for the next 9 seconds.This Perk can only activate once every 90 seconds.

Demoralize III

Cost: 11 Perk Points

When you Knockdown or Kill a teen all other active teens will become Jammed for the next 12 seconds.This Perk can only activate once every 90 seconds.

Gutter Punch I

Cost: 4 Perk Points

When you Injure a teen that is carrying Pickup, they will drop it on the ground.This perk can only activate once every 400 seconds.

Gutter Punch II

Cost: 6 Perk Points

When you Injure a teen that is carrying Pickup, they will drop it on the ground.This perk can only activate once every 250 seconds.

Gutter Punch III

Cost: 8 Perk Points

When you Injure a teen that is carrying Pickup, they will drop it on the ground.

Revolt I

Cost: 4 Perk PointsYour Scream shockwave range is increased by 10%.

Revolt II

Cost: 8 Perk PointsYour Scream shockwave range is increased by 20%.

Revolt III

Cost: 12 Perk PointsYour Scream shockwave range is
increased by 30%.

Movie Costumes

Gold Edition:
Deathwire 'Rewired'


Complete the Standard Cut of

Deathwire 3-D: Circuits of Slaughter

to unlock this costume.

Gold Edition:
Deathwire 'Core Update'


Complete the Extended Cut of

Deathwire 3-D: Circuits of Slaughter

to unlock this costume.

Gold Edition:
Deathwire 'Self Aware'


Complete the Directors Cut of

Deathwire 3-D: Circuits of Slaughter

to unlock this costume.


Classic Trilogy:

The Anomaly

Release Date:

March 31, 2023


$9.99 / 24.000 Flux

Tension Track:

Trust no one

We are we are we are. The Anomaly is a hyperintelligent alien hive mind with the power to shapeshift into its victims. It scuttles from planet to planet, invading bodies and devouring minds... and now it has crash landed on Earth. Beware the beast that lurks under the ice.


Anomaly was released subsequent to the game's Early Access launch as part of the Spring Thing Update, which also included Anomaly's Map - Outpost K.

Scroll to:


Disperse (Q)

After focusing for 1 seconds, the Anomaly will Disperse for a maximum of 2.6 seconds. Disperse can be ended early by activating the Power again after 1.6 seconds.While Dispersed, the Anomaly cannot see teens, but its head can be seen after 1.6 seconds. The Anomaly also emits a Directional Sound while Dispersed, alerting the teens of its location at all times, but it cannot hear teens at the beginning of Disperse, instead gaining its hearing back over time. While Dispersed, the Anomaly moves 100% faster.When Disperse ends, teens within 5 meters of the Anomaly will be Gooped, slowing movement and preventing most actions for 1.8 seconds. The range of this effect is diminished if Disperse is ended early.Disperse has a cooldown of 17 seconds and cannot be used for 3 seconds after hitting a teen.


+ When you use Disperse, an after-image of teens within 8 meters is shown to you for 4 seconds.- The focus time required to use Disperse is increased by 20%.


+ The distance at which teens will be Gooped when emerging from Disperse is increased by 18%.- Disperse can no longer be ended early.


+ If Disperse is used while Mimicking, the cooldown to use Disperse again is reduced by 50%.- If Disperse is used while not Mimicking, the cooldown to use Disperse again is increased by 20%.

Mimicry (E)

After focusing for 1.5 seconds, the Anomaly will gain the Mimicking status, taking on the likeness of a random active teen with 101% of a teen's run speed for 14 seconds or until cancelled by attacking or activating the Power again.While Mimicking the Anomaly's Tension Track will be hidden from teens and the Anomaly's aura-reading effects and Danger Sense will not function.Running while Mimicking will cause the remaining duration to deplete 10% faster.Weapon damage taken while Mimicking will not apply directly to the Stigmas, allowing the Anomaly to use Disperse to escape. Should the Mimic be destroyed by a weapon the Anomaly will Flinch, unable to perform most actions for 1.5 seconds. Destroying a Mimic takes 2 seconds and the Anomaly is slowed down by "ANOMALY MIMIC DAMAGED WALK SPEED MULTIPLIER": 2Mimicry has a cooldown of 40 seconds.


+ The duration of Mimicry is increased by 20%.- While using Mimicry, the Mimic will always appear to be Injured, regardless of the health state of the copied teen.


+ When Mimicry is used, an additional mimic is created that will run in the direction you are facing. This mimic will instantly vanish upon hitting a solid object or when damaged by a weapon.- Mimicking duration is reduced by 15%.


+ If the Anomaly injures a teen within 1.5 seconds of Mimicry ending, the teen will suffer the Busted status for 60 seconds.- The focusing time required to use Mimicry is increased by 25%.

Scour (F)

After focusing for 1.5 seconds, the Anomaly will enter a Scouring state for up to 15 seconds. While Scouring, the Anomaly sinks partially into the floor, becomes Blinded, and has their movement speed reduced to 8% of base movement speed.While Scouring, all active teens will start to become Exposed to the Anomaly over 6.5 seconds, starting with those farthest away. Additionally, the cooldowns of the Disperse and Mimicry Powers will recover 300% faster.Once Scouring has ended, the Anomaly will return to their base movement speed over 3 seconds.Scour has a cooldown of 32 seconds.


+ While Scouring, the Anomaly will gain 1% Rage every second.- While Scouring, the cooldowns of the Disperse and Mimicry powers will now recover only 80% faster.


+ While an unarmed teen is Exposed by Scour and for 2 seconds afterwards they will be Jammed.- While an armed teen is Exposed by Scour and for 2 seconds afterwards, their movement speed is increased by 15%.


+ While Scouring your movement speed is 35% of base movement speed.- The auras of teens now disappear immediately after Scour is cancelled.


Demonic I

Cost: 4 Perk PointsWhile Banished, any station a teen is crafting at will become highlighted.

Demonic II

Cost: 6 Perk PointsWhile Banished, the speed at which you can move is increased by 30% and any station a teen is crafting at will become highlighted.

Demonic III

Cost: 8 Perk PointsWhile Banished, the speed at which you can move is increased by 60% and any station a teen is crafting at will become highlighted.

Devouring I

Cost: 4 Perk PointsFeasting on teens will cause them to lose Luma at a rate of 2.5% per second.

Devouring II

Cost: 6 Perk PointsFeasting on teens will cause them to lose Luma at a rate of 5% per second.

Devouring III

Cost: 8 Perk PointsFeasting on teens will cause them to lose Luma at a rate of 7.5% per second.

Take No Prisoners I

Cost: 6 Perk PointsTeens performing a Healing action within 16 meters of you for at least 0.7 seconds will be Exposed.

Take No Prisoners II

Cost: 8 Perk PointsTeens performing a Healing action within 22 meters of you for at least 0.7 seconds will be Exposed.

Take No Prisoners III

Cost: 10 Perk PointsTeens performing a Healing action within 28 meters of you for at least 0.7 seconds will be Exposed.

Movie Costumes

The Anomaly:
'First Commune'


Complete the Standard Cut of

Anomaly III: Mother of all Fears

to unlock this costume.

The Anomaly:
'Total Meltdown'


Complete the Extended Cut of

Anomaly III: Mother of all Fears

to unlock this costume.

The Anomaly:


Complete the Directors Cut of

Anomaly III: Mother of all Fears

to unlock this costume.

Hey there!

The Content that you're trying to access is not available yet as it's still being worked on.If you want to find out when this Section becomes available, look out for an announcement in the Discord Server.

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Playable Maps



Pine Bluff High, captured on the night of the Full Moon Prom.

Crafting Stations


There are always 2 Burn Stations on the Map.

The First One will always be located close to the Gymnasium, and will spawn in one of these rooms.


Dressing Room

Loading Bay

Boy's Locker Room

The Second One will always be located close to the Main Entrance, and will spawn in one of these rooms.


Home Ec

Sewing Class


There are always 2 Purify Stations on the Map.

The First One will always be located close to the Science Hallway, and will spawn in one of these rooms.

Biology Class

Science Office

Chemistry Class

The Second One will always be located close to the Cafeteria Hallway, and will spawn in one of these rooms.

Wood Shop

Shop Classroom

Auto Shop


There are always 2 Curse Stations on the Map.

The First One will always be located in Basement Storage, and will spawn in one of these places.

The Second One will always be located close to the Office Hallway, and will spawn in one of these rooms.


Office Reception


Office Reception


There are always 2 Shock Stations on the Map.

The First One will always be located close to the Arts Hallway, and will spawn in one of these places.

Socials Class

Art Class

Music Room

AV Room

The Second One will always be located close to the Basement Hallway, and will spawn in one of these rooms.

Basement Supply Room

Boiler Room

Basement Supply Room

Boiler Room

Med Kit Stations

There are always 3 Med Kit Stations on every map.

These Med Kit Stations allow you to Heal Yourself when a Teammates isn't available to help you.But beware, it takes longer to Heal Yourself.You can find the Med Kit Stations at these locations:

Science Hallway

Boiler Room

Shop Hallway

Vending Machines

There are 6 Vending Machines on Highschool.

The Vending Machines are split into groups of 2 - Pop Can Machine and Candy Bar Machine.You can find them at these locations:

Basement Storage Cage


Locker Room Hallway

Patch Notes

Pop Can

When used, the Pop Can temporarily increases the Teen's Movement Speed to help them Escape the Monster.

Candy Bar

Walkie Talkie


Smoke Screen

Book of the Dead

Duration: 3.8 seconds
Maximum Speed: 45%
Time to reach Maximum Speed: 1.2 seconds

Candy Bar

When used, the Candy Bar applies the Fed Status.The Fed Status gradually increases the Teen's Health Bar over the next few seconds.If the Teen is hit by the Monster, the Fed Status will be deactivated and the Teen will keep the Health they received, overall resulting in less Health lost when hit.

Pop Can

Walkie Talkie


Smoke Screen

Book of the Dead

Fed Duration: 8 seconds
Health Bar Increase: 50hp (22%)

Walkie Talkie

When used, the Walkie Talkie reveals the Aura of all teens to the user and other nearby teens.When pointed in the Monster's Direction, it will emit a Static Noise.The Walkie Talkie can be toggled off to preserve the left charge.

Pop Can

Candy Bar


Smoke Screen

Book of the Dead

Duration: 30 seconds
Monster Audio Range: 6 meters


When used, the Noisemaker will be placed on the ground and it will activate.When the Monster comes within a short range of a placed Noisemaker, it will become Alarmed and the Monster's Aura will be revealed to the Teens for a brief period.

Pop Can

Candy Bar

Walkie Talkie

Smoke Screen

Book of the Dead

Aura Duration: 6 seconds
Trigger Range: 4.8 meters

Smoke Screen

When used, the Smoke Screen will be dropped on the ground and it will create a Cloud of Smoke that lasts for a few seconds.While inside the Cloud of Smoke, teens are able to see their surroundings, however the Monster becomes Blinded.After leaving the Smoke, the Monster will remain Blinded for a brief period.The Outline of Active Weapons can be seen through the Cloud of Smoke.While inside the Cloud of Smoke, teens are able to see their surroundings, unaffected by the Smoke.

Pop Can

Candy Bar

Walkie Talkie


Book of the Dead

Cloud Duration: 8.5 seconds
Blindness Duration inside Cloud: Permanent
Blindness Duration after leaving the Cloud: 1.2 seconds

Book of the Dead

Pop Can

Candy Bar

Walkie Talkie


Smoke Screen

Resurrect Duration: ---
Defeated Teens Aura Range: ---
Ressurect Action Audio Range: ---
Lockbox Minimum Spectral Audio Range: ---
Lockbox Maximum Spectral Audio Range: ---

The Book of the Dead allows the Teens to perform the Resurrect action, bringing a Dead Teen back in the match.The Book of the Dead spawns in a Lockbox which appears in the match once the first teen has been defeated.While in Spectral Form, Dead Teens will be able to hear the Lockbox within a short range, that will increase over time if the Lockbox isn't opened.Teens that have picked up the Book of the Dead will be able to see the Defeated Teens' bodies when close enough.Performing the Resurrect action creates loud noises that can be heard from a high distance.The Monster can cancel the Resurrect action by Disrupting the Teen performing the action.If the Resurrect action is cancelled by any means, the progress will be removed.






Main Menu





Main Menu

Teen Prizes

These Prizes can only be used by Teens.

Pickup Start Prizes

Clash Cola

Walkie Talkie

Smoke Screen

Begin the match with a
Pop Can pickup.

Begin the match with a Walkie Talkie pickup.

Begin the match with a Smoke Screen pickup.

Chompie Bar


Scroll Up

Begin the match with a Candy Bar pickup.

Begin the match with a Noisemaker pickup.

Scroll Back to the
Top of the Page.

Pickup Stash Prizes

Clash Cola Stash

Walkie Talkie Stash

Smoke Screen Stash

Scroll Up

Add 1 additional Pop Can pickup to the map.

Add 1 additional Walkie Talkie pickup to the map.

Add 1 additional Smoke Screen pickup to the map.

Scroll Back to the
Top of the Page.

Chompie Bar Stash

Noisemaker Stash

Black Magic

Add 1 additional Candy Bar pickup to the map.

Add 1 additional Noisemaker pickup to the map.

Randomly adds one of these enhancements to the Book of the Dead:

- The Lockbox only requires 1 puzzle to open.
- Teens are resurrected in the Healthy state.
- Teens are resurrected with 100% more Life.
- The Noise made during resurrection is greatly reduced.

Spawn Start Prizes

Foam Sword


Spawn away from the monster and next to a weapon station.

Spawn as far away from other players as possible.

Movie Popcorn

Scroll Up

Spawn away from the monster and close to another teen if possible.

Scroll Back to the
Top of the Page.





Main Menu

Monster Prizes

These Prizes can only be used by Monsters.

Plague Start Prizes

Plague of Agony

Begin with a Plague powerup.
When used, all prone teens lose Life at 200% of the normal rate for 11 seconds.

Plague of Dread

Begin with a Plague powerup.
When used, all living teens are afflicted with the Jammed status for 20 seconds, slowing craft, energize and heal speeds by 50%.

Plague of Fury

Begin with a Plague powerup.
When used, gain 40% of your Rage bar over 5 seconds.

Plague of Power

Begin with a Plague powerup.
When used, all monster power cooldowns recover at 175% of the normal rate for 12 seconds.

Plague of Pestilence

Begin with a Plague powerup.
When used, gain the Pestilence status until you hit a teen or are struck by a weapon. Hitting a teen with Pestilence will inflict the Busted status on them for 120 seconds.

Pickup Starve Prizes

Clash Smash

Removes 1 Pop Can from the map.

Cola Crusher

Removes 2 Pop Cans from the map.

Snack Attack

Removes 1 Candy Bar and 1 Pop Can from the map.

Chompie Binge

Removes 2 Candy Bars from the map.

Chompie Wrapper

Removes 1 Candy Bar from the map.

Spawn Start Prizes

Late Fees

At the start of the match, the monster may wait 50% longer before they are forced to transform.
Additionally, the time it takes to transform is reduced by 50%.

Mouse Trap

Up to 3 teens that did not use a Prize to change their spawn position will start next to you.





Main Menu

General Prizes

These Prizes can be used by both Teens and Monsters.

Map Vote Prizes

Security Card

Vote to go to the Facility map.

Room Key

Vote to go to the Hotel map.

Hall Pass

Vote to go to the Highschool map.

Eviscerator Ticket

Vote to go to the Eviscerator map.

Canaka Keycard

Vote to go to the Outpost K map.

XP Boost Prizes

Feature Horror

Adds 50% additional points to your score in the Grit/Dominance category.

Feature Thriller

Adds 50% additional points to your score in the Ingenuity/Pursuit category.

Feature Action

Adds 50% additional points to your score in the Coop/Torment category.

Feature Creatures

Adds 50% additional points to your score in the Fight/Onslaught category.

Club VIP Pass

Adds 25% additional points to your score in all categories.

Double Feature Horror

Adds 100% additional points to your score in the Grit/Dominance category.

Double Feature Thriller

Adds 100% additional points to your score in the Ingenuity/Pursuit category.

Double Feature Action

Adds 100% additional points to your score in the Coop/Torment category.

Double Feature Creatures

Adds 100% additional points to your score in the Fight/Onslaught category.

Video Horror Society Card

Adds 25% additional points to all players' score in all categories.





Main Menu

Event Prizes

These Prizes can no longer be collected.

Pickup Start Prizes

Clash Nog

Begin the match with a Clash Nog pickup.

Candy Cane Chompie Bar

Begin the match with a Candy Cane Chompie pickup.

Nutty Noisemaker

Begin the match with a Nutty Noisemaker pickup.

Frostbit Biscuit

Begin the match with a Frostbit Biscuit pickup.

Pickup Stash Prizes

Clash Nog Stash

Add 1 additional Clash Nog pickup to the map.

Candy Cane Chompie Bar Stash

Add 1 additional Candy Cane Chompie Bar pickup to the map.

Nutty Noisemaker Stash

Add 1 additional Nutty Noisemaker pickup to the map.

Plague Start Prizes

Plague of Festive Agony

Begin with a Plague powerup.
When used, all prone teens lose Life at 200% of the normal rate for 11 seconds.
Your Plagues are filled with Holiday cheer!

Plague of Festive Dread

Begin with a Plague powerup.
When used, all living teens are afflicted with the Jammed status for 20 seconds, slowing craft, energize and heal speeds by 50%.
Your Plagues are filled with Holiday cheer!

Plague of Festive Fury

Begin with a Plague powerup.
When used, gain 40% of your Rage bar over 5 seconds.
Your Plagues are filled with Holiday cheer!

Plague of Festive Power

Begin with a Plague powerup.
When used, all monster power cooldowns recover at 175% of the normal rate for 12 seconds.
Your Plagues are filled with Holiday cheer!

Plague of Festive Pestilence

Begin with a Plague powerup.
When used, gain the Pestilence status until you hit a teen or are struck by a weapon. Hitting a teen with Pestilence will inflict the Busted status on them for 120 seconds.
Your Plagues are filled with Holiday cheer!

Map Vote Prizes

Haunted Hall Pass

Vote to go to the Hallways of Horror map.

Candy Cane Key

Vote to go to the Ho Ho Hotel map.






You can click the Stigma Icon to access its page.


Shoots a scalding stream of flames up to 9 meters away to burn the monster.

Crafting Time: 40 seconds
Weapon Charge: 8.5 seconds
Charges needed for Strike at minimum range: 23/100
Charges needed for Strike at maximum range: 47/100


Flare Up

* After firing the Flamethrower for 0.5 seconds and for 2.75 seconds afterwards, your aura will be shown to the monster and other teens.

Under Pressure

+ The maximum range of the Flamethrower is increased by 15%.- When firing, the Flamethrower stream takes 0.2 seconds longer to start.

On Fumes

+ While Injured, the Flamethrower's remaining energy replenishes by 0.8% every second.- The Flamethrower consumes 60% more energy when used.

Cheap Fuel

+ The crafting time of the Flamethrower is reduced by 12%.- The Flamethrower can only be crafted in a match after the monster has already been wounded by the Burn stigma.

Burn Out

+ Burn damage dealt by the Flamethrower will now reduce the monster's rage meter by 10% per second.- The Flamethrower takes an additional 20% longer to craft.

Fire Bomb

Take aim and launch this volatile cocktail that explodes on impact. The flaming debris spreads up to 3.2 meters away, burning any monster in its radius.

Crafting Time: 34 seconds
Weapon Charge: 1 bottle


Bottled Up

+ You now create 1 additional Fire Bomb when crafted.- The crafting time of the Fire Bomb is increased by 40%.

To The Brim

+ The Fire Bomb flames burn for 25% longer.- The distance the Fire Bomb can be thrown is reduced by 25%.

Hot Foot

+ Teens that enter the flames of your Fire Bomb will gain a 25% speed boost for the next 2 seconds.- The Fire Bomb flames burn out 25% sooner.

Lasting Burns

+ If the monster escapes from damage dealt by your Fire Bomb they will be slowed by 30% for 3 seconds.- The Fire Bomb takes an additional 0.15 seconds to be ready to throw.

All In The Wrist

* The Fire Bomb now bounces a single time when hitting a surface before exploding.

Solar Flare

Deploys a solar powered sentry with an attack range of up to 8.2 meters. When directed, the sentry will shoot a beam of energy that inflicts damage to a monster in range.The weapon will lose charge while fired or while the sentry has sight of the monster.

Crafting Time: 40 seconds
Weapon Charge: 8.5 seconds
Charges needed for Strike: 25/100


Jewel Polish

+The energy consumed when firing the Solar Flare is decreased by 25%.- The Solar Flare takes an additional 15% longer to craft.

Blazing Sentry

+ The monster gains the Exposed status while within attack range of the sentry.- The time needed to summon a sentry is increased by 25%.

Dancing Spark

* Once summoned, the Solar Flare sentry will slowly move forward until it collides with a solid obstacle.

Solar Revelation

* When channeling the Solar Flare you will become immobile and your viewpoint will change to the perspective of the summoned sentry.+ 50% less energy is used during the warm up period prior to firing the Solar Flare.

Flame Charmer

+ You may summon up to 2 sentries at once.- The energy consumed when firing the Solar Flare is increased by 50%.

You can click the Stigma Icon to access its page.

Radiant Cross

Beam an awe inspiring diving light that purifies any monster in its path. Extends in a cone out to 7 meters in front of you, pure and simple.

Crafting Time: 40 seconds
Weapon Charge: 7 seconds
Charges needed for Strike at minimum range: 28/100
Charges needed for Strike at maximum range: 31/100


Angelic Fury

+ If the monster is Wounded by the Radiant Cross, the Banished duration is increased by 20%.- If the monster is Stunned by the Radiant Cross, the Stunned duration is decreased by 30%.

Divine Light

+ The Radiant Cross consumes 20% less energy when used.- The Radiant Cross beam takes an additional 0.25 seconds to reach its maximum distance when firing.

Hallowed Ground

+ The maximum attack range of the Radiant Cross is increased by 20%.-You can no longer move while using the Radiant Cross.


+ The crafting time of the Radiant Cross is reduced by 12%.- The Radiant Cross can only be crafted in a match after the monster has already been wounded by the Purify stigma.

Saving Grace

* While firing the Radiant Cross and for 0.8 seconds afterwards if you are Injured by a monster's Basic Attack any loss of Life will be prevented and the Radiant Cross will be destroyed.

Holy Slingshot

Sling a series of glory-filled grenades at the monster. A direct hit will stick the grenade to the monster and cause continuous damage. Otherwise the grenade lands as a holy ground with a 2.2 meter radius lasting 5 seconds that purifies any monster within.

Crafting Time: 40 seconds
Weapon Charge: 2 shots


Stunning Praise

+ If the monster is Stunned by the Holy Slingshot, the time the monster is Stunned is increased by 25%.- If the monster is Wounded by the Holy Slingshot, the time the monster is Banished is increased by 25%.

Go For Glory

+ The weapon ammunition of the Holy Slingshot is increased by 1.- Grenades will pass through the monster when they hit, rather than stick.

Devoted One

+ The crafting time of the Holy Slingshot is reduced by 20%.- The ammunition available to the Holy Slingshot is decreased by 1.

Blind Faith

+ When the Holy Slingshot deals damage to the monster, they will also be Blinded for 1.5 seconds, unable to see teens or weapons.- The crafting time of the Holy Slingshot is increased by 20%.

Higher Power

+ The weapon ammunition is increased by 1.- Your grenade explosions no longer leave a damaging cloud behind.

Sacred Staff

A mystical healer's staff that, once fully energized, can stream purifying energy up to 12 meters. Heal other teens to energize the staff.Heals performed by the staff will ignore the Busted status.If all living teens are Healthy, it will start to energize itself.

Crafting Time: 26 seconds
Weapon Charge: 7 seconds
Time needed to Energize: N/A
Charges needed for Strike: 28/100


Beacon Of Light

+ While the Sacred Staff is not energized your aura is revealed to your Injured allies.- The crafting time of the Sacred Staff is increased by 15%.

Trial Of Suffering

* If you finish crafting the Sacred Staff while in a Healthy state, you will be put into the Injured state and gain 12% of the energy needed to energize it.

Miraculous Recovery

+ While the Sacred Staff needs energizing, reviving a Prone teen grants 18% of the energy needed.- The Sacred Staff consumes 20% more energy when fired.

Pure Sacrifice

* While you are not at Critical Health and the Sacred Staff is not energized, it will gain up to 50% of the energy needed, but you will lose 1% of your base Life per second.This effect will pause while the Sacred Staff is healing a teen.


+ When healing using the Sacred Staff, the healing speed is increased by 20%.- When healing using the Sacred Staff, your aura is revealed to the monster.

Cursed Sword

Swing this supernatural blade to release its demonic curse. The dark energy lingers to torment any monster in its wake for 1.4 seconds.

Sword Smith

Mighty Swings

Gale Force

Cursed Blade

Demonic Mark

Crafting Time: 40 seconds
Weapon Charge: 10 swings
Charges needed for Strike: 2/10
[other stats]
[other stats]
[other stats]
[other stats]

Sword Smith

+ The Cursed Sword can now be swung 3 additional times.- The Cursed Sword takes 25% longer to craft.

Cursed Sword

Mighty Swings

Gale Force

Cursed Blade

Demonic Mark

Crafting Time: N/A - N/A
Weapon Charge: N/A - N/A

Mighty Swings

+ The duration of the Cursed Sword wake is increased by 20%.- The Cursed Sword will take 20% longer to perform each swing.

Cursed Sword

Sword Smith

Gale Force

Cursed Blade

Demonic Mark

Wake Duration: N/A - N/A
Time to Swing: N/A - N/A

Gale Force

+ Your allies that enter the Cursed Sword wake will gain a movement speed boost of 30% for 2 seconds.- The duration of the Cursed Sword wake is reduced by 20%.

Cursed Sword

Sword Smith

Mighty Swings

Cursed Blade

Demonic Mark

Ally Movement Speed: N/A - N/A
Wake Durations: N/A - N/A

Cursed Blade

+ The crafting time of the Cursed Sword is reduced by 12%.- The Cursed Sword can only be crafted in a match after the monster has already
been wounded by the Curse stigma.

Cursed Sword

Sword Smith

Mighty Swings

Gale Force

Demonic Mark

Crafting Time: N/A - N/A

Demonic Mark

+ If the monster takes damage from the Cursed Sword, their aura will now be revealed to all teens for 2 seconds.- Each time you swing the Cursed Sword, your aura is revealed to the monster for 6 seconds.

Cursed Sword

Sword Smith

Mighty Swings

Gale Force

Cursed Blade

Infernal Eye

A mysterious infernal eye summoned by incantation. Channel it with your mind to seek out and deliver an instant curse to any monster within 1 meter of it.

Words of Warning

Stare Down

All Seeing

Don't Blink

Second Sight

Crafting Time: 40 seconds
Summon Lifetime: 22 seconds
Charges needed for Strike: 1/100
[other stats]
[other stats]
[other stats]
[other stats]

Words of Warning

+ If the monster approaches within 15 meters of your body while you are controlling the Infernal Eye you will hear a warning sound.- The Infernal Eye must be 40% closer to the monster before it will explode.

Infernal Eye

Stare Down

All Seeing

Don't Blink

Second Sight

Range: N/A - N/A

Stare Down

+ The Infernal Eye consumes 15% less energy while in use.- The Infernal Eye takes an additional 1 seconds to summon.

Infernal Eye

Words of Warning

All Seeing

Don't Blink

Second Sight

Weapon Charge: N/A - N/A
Summon Time: N/A - N/A

All Seeing

+ When the monster moves out of sight of the Infernal Eye, the monster's aura is revealed to you for the next 1 seconds.- The Infernal Eye's movement speed is reduced by 10%.

Infernal Eye

Words of Warning

Stare Down

Don't Blink

Second Sight

Movement Speed: N/A - N/A

Don't Blink

+ The Infernal Eye's maximum speed is increased by 8%.- The Infernal Eye consumes 25% more energy while in use.

Infernal Eye

Words of Warning

Stare Down

All Seeing

Second Sight

Movement Speed: N/A - N/A
Weapon Charge: N/A - N/A

Second Sight

+ You may press and hold the Primary Fire button for 2 seconds while controlling the Infernal Eye to consume the weapon and teleport to a random spawn location on the map.- The Infernal Eye takes 10% longer to craft.

Infernal Eye

Words of Warning

Stare Down

All Seeing

Don't Blink

Crafting Time: N/A - N/A


Harness the darkness with this mysterious relic that can absorb energy while the monster's Tension Track is heard. Energy is absorbed even faster when the monster is in direct line of sight.When fully energized, shoot a punishing beam of torment up to 12 meters away that curses the Monster.

Dead Silent

Death Wish

Renewed Hope

Blood Offering

Demonic Pact

Crafting Time: 26 seconds
Weapon Charge: 7 seconds
Time needed to Energize: N/A
Charges needed for Strike: 28/100
[other stats]
[other stats]
[other stats]
[other stats]

Dead Silent

+ While absorbing energy, the noise the Enigma makes is reduced by 50%.- The Enigma takes 20% longer to fully energize.


Death Wish

Renewed Hope

Blood Offering

Demonic Pact

Noise Level: N/A - N/A
Time needed to Energize: N/A - N/A

Death Wish

+ The Enigma maximum beam range is increased by 15%.- The Enigma takes 0.25 seconds longer to begin firing.


Dead Silent

Renewed Hope

Blood Offering

Demonic Pact

Range: N/A - N/A
Windup Time: N/A - N/A

Renewed Hope

+ An energized Enigma will no longer be destroyed when all of its energy is depleted and can then be
- The Enigma takes an additional 20% longer to craft.


Dead Silent

Death Wish

Blood Offering

Demonic Pact

Crafting Time: N/A - N/A

Blood Offering

* When you are not at Critical Health and the Enigma is not energized, it will passively gain up to 50% of the needed energy and you will lose 1% of your base Life per second.This effect will pause while the Enigma is absorbing energy from the monster.


Dead Silent

Death Wish

Renewed Hope

Demonic Pact

Life Lost: N/A - N/A
Time to Energize to 50%: N/A - N/A

Demonic Pact

+ The Enigma consumes 25% less energy when firing and crafts 15% faster.- While charging the Enigma your aura is revealed to the monster.


Dead Silent

Death Wish

Renewed Hope

Blood Offering

Weapon Charge: N/A - N/A
Crafting Time: N/A - N/A

You can click the Stigma Icon to access its page.

Sacred Staff

A mystical healer's staff that, once fully energized, can stream purifying energy up to 12 meters. Heal other teens to energize the staff.Heals performed by the staff will ignore the Busted status.If all living teens are Healthy, it will start to energize itself.

Crafting Time: 26 seconds
Weapon Charge: 7 seconds
Time needed to Energize: N/A
Charges needed for Strike: 28/100


Beacon Of Light

+ While the Sacred Staff is not energized your aura is revealed to your Injured allies.- The crafting time of the Sacred Staff is increased by 15%.

Trial Of Suffering

* If you finish crafting the Sacred Staff while in a Healthy state, you will be put into the Injured state and gain 12% of the energy needed to energize it.

Miraculous Recovery

+ While the Sacred Staff needs energizing, reviving a Prone teen grants 18% of the energy needed.- The Sacred Staff consumes 20% more energy when fired.

Pure Sacrifice

* While you are not at Critical Health and the Sacred Staff is not energized, it will gain up to 50% of the energy needed, but you will lose 1% of your base Life per second.This effect will pause while the Sacred Staff is healing a teen.


+ When healing using the Sacred Staff, the healing speed is increased by 20%.- When healing using the Sacred Staff, your aura is revealed to the monster.


creator - echo

teen perk optimizer - ringtail
various descriptions - redheart
perk icons - redheart


- sky
- stef
- yoshi
- bonzi
- askar
- goody
- ringtail
- redheart
- robinator
- nikkimouse

These people helped me tremendously throughout the creation process, whether it was by allowing me to use some of their content, or just offering their feedback, they all contributed to making this page a lot better and if it wasn't for them, the page as you know it, wouldn't have been as good.

Hey, I'm echo!

I'm a Video Horror Society Enjoyer who's been playing since early January of 2022, during the First Beta, heavily invested in the game and its progress.Currently sitting at 1500+ hrs, I've maxed out most of the progression and the game still makes me come back for more.

I have created this Carrd Page because there really isn't a Wiki that has everything about Video Horror Society, and the ones that do exist are heavily outdated or have missing information.Now, I know that this doesn't quite count as a Wiki but it will have all the Information a Wiki would, and more!

My goal is to create the best source of information for any Video Horror Society Gamer out there, but that's gonna take some time.I can't promise that I will add everything I'm currently planning on adding anytime soon, there's simply a whole lot of things to be added, however I am hopeful that by the end of the year everything, if not mostly everything, will be in here.

Contact Information

For inquires about suggestions or issues that you might have noticed, please contact me on one of the platforms provided below.If you're reporting a problem, please copy the link while on the page where you found the issue, and send that to me along with a description of the problem.

Project Version: 0.8.2-1s

This page is not affiliated or partnered with Hellbent Games Inc.

All assets and content used on this page are property of their respective owners.

Project Version: 0.8.2-1s

This Version is not Optimized for Mobile Browsers.I recommend viewing this Page on a Desktop Browser, however if that's not possible, please Request the Desktop Version of the Website via the Mobile Browser or tilt your Device into Landscape Mode.

This page is not affiliated or partnered with Hellbent Games Inc.

All assets and content used on this page are property of their respective owners.

How to install VHS

1. Install Steam, if you haven't already.
2. If Steam is installed, press the Windows Key + R.
3. In the "Run" Windows, paste this:


A Steam Window should open prompting you to Download VHS.

Video Horror Society is only available on Steam.
The Premium Currency (Fanbux) can no longer be purchased.
DLCs, Bundles and Cosmetics can be purchased using Free Currency (Flux).
To purchase items, use the following Code for 50.000 Flux: VAH-56K-09P-UYF-5RK.
How to redeem the Code:
1. Open the In-Game Store.
2. Click the Redeem a Code button at the bottom of the page.
3. Enter the Flux Code (VAH-56K-09P-UYF-5RK).